Sort-it by Heimo Geske - Unscramble, Sorting game, puzzle, mastermind, Game, Spiel, Memo-Spiel
Sort it & Unscramble
Sorting game with mastermind elements - New Sort-It riddles to follow soon!

Put the American presidents in the right order!


Sort the Hebrew Alphabet!

More Sort-It games:

List of available sorting games:

The American Presidents
The Hebrew Aleph-Beth
The Kings of France from 428 to 923
Kings and Emperors of France from 888 to 1870
English Kings and Rulers from 1066 until today
British Kings and Rulers from 774 to 1509
Roman Cesars from 27 BC until 311 AD
Roman Numbers
Sort French authors by birthdate!
Sort the books of the bible - Old Testament!
Sort the books of the Tanakh!
Sort some peas!
Thail Letters
Posters of the Summer Olympics
Posters of the Winter Olympics
Posters of the Olympics -Summer + Winter
Sort the Planets by Distance to the Sun
Sort the Planets by Diameter
The Morse letters
The Alphabet of Braille
Grades of the 'Bundeswehr' - Germany
Grades of the 'Marine' - Germany

Sort-It - Unscramble - sort the jumble - a didactic sorting game by Heimo Geske - byte the orange


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